The Tillamook County Housing Commission is now accepting applications for its second round of funding to aid development of multifamily rental housing in Tillamook County. Proposed projects must be to build new multifamily rental housing of three units or more and may be located anywhere in the Tillamook County, including cities and unincorporated areas. To support the immediate needs in the County, funding is prioritized for affordable and workforce housing options.
The online application is available on the Tillamook County Housing Commission webpage: Applications will be accepted until 4:00pm on November 6, 2023.

Any individual, private company, builder, developer, public agency, local government, or nonprofit organization may apply. Both new projects and projects already in planning stages are eligible to apply. Funds may be requested for any associated cost of the proposed project including infrastructure, system development charges, cost overruns, materials, labor, and permits.
The maximum amount the grant will fund is $20,000 per unit in a project. There is a total of $400,000 to award in this funding cycle.
To maintain fair standards for assessment, applications received will be evaluated by the Tillamook County Housing Commission using a criteria-based point system, weighted to ensure that small and large projects are given equal chance to receive funds.
Applicants must submit a pro forma, the financial document that demonstrates their need for additional financing for the proposed project. Applicants will also make a short presentation of their project to the Tillamook County Housing Commissioners at its December meeting. The Housing Commission will make recommendations for awarding funds to the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. Final award decisions will be made by the Board of County Commissioners.
The Multifamily Family Housing Fund was developed by the Finance Committee of the Tillamook County Housing Commission. The fund is supported by fees Tillamook County collects for Short Term Rental (STR) Operator Licenses in unincorporated areas, and is part of the Commission’s larger strategy to find collaborative and achievable solutions to the countywide housing shortage.
A list of 2022 funded projects can be found on the Tillamook County Housing Commission website.
For more information and answers to questions about the Fund, please contact Housing Coordinator Parker Sammons, at or, visit the Housing Commission website,
The Tillamook County Housing Commission’s mission to collaboratively advocate for attainable and equitable solutions that impact Tillamook County’s greatest housing needs.