It’s About Time! After missing festivities last year, we finally had the opportunity to once again enjoy our traditional Annual Awards Banquet December 6 at the Tillamook Elks Lodge. Although we were unable to hold the banquet in 2020, we more than made up for it this year. The Elks Lodge staff served a delicious meal and the Lodge was resplendent in holiday décor. This is the occasion where members are recognized for their contributions and dedication to the organization and to the OSU Master Gardener™ Program. Awards were presented for Master Gardener of the Year, Learning Gardener of the Year, Behind the Scenes and the President’s Golden Trowel Award to individuals nominated by TCMGA members.
The 2021 recipient of the Master Gardener of the Year Award is Kristi Lund. This award recognizes a “Hardy Perennial” who shows outstanding dedication and service to the Tillamook County Master Gardener Association. Each of the award recipients receive a scholarship to attend the Oregon Master Gardeners Annual Mini-College.
Kristi serves as the organization’s current President and will continue in that office in 2022. This past year has been a challenge for TCMGA. As one of our members so eloquently said:
‘Aside from her extensive and challenging duties as president in this pandemic year, Kristy is an exemplary master gardener. She has actively staffed the on-line plant clinic and attended numerous farmers markets throughout the county. She is an avid gardener at home, renovating garden plots and experimenting with new techniques and plants. Kristy is a thorough researcher, delving into a variety of sources to satisfy her ever-present curiosity on a wide range of horticultural issues. She is a life-long learner, leads by example and is quick to offer research sources and ideas to answer gardening questions.’
Learning Gardener of the Year was presented to Wendy Kunkel. This award recognizes a TCMGA member for outstanding dedication to the support and maintenance of the Tillamook County Master Gardener Learning Garden, the lab section of the Tillamook Master Gardener Program.
The Behind-the-Scenes recipient is Sarah Ostermiller. This award recognizes a TCMGA Master Gardener who works quietly and unselfishly behind the scenes to further the OSU Master Gardener Program in Tillamook County.
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to area business and organizations for their continued support of our program and contributions to its success.
- Tillamook County Girls Scouts – Troop members participated in a Pollinator Class taught by Master Gardeners Evelynn von Feldt, Arla Ayers and Barbara Casteel at the Learning Garden this summer. Each of the students will earn their Citizen Science badge.
- Twin Rocks Outdoor Education – Students learned the basics of Entomology and practiced insect identification – again taught by Master Gardeners Evelynn von Feldt, Linda Stephenson and Vickie Wight.
- Lower Nehalem Community Trust, Aldercreek Farm – acknowledging their ongoing partnership with TCMGA focused on community gardening education.
- Dave Clooten Masonry, Bay City for laying ‘Pam’s Patio’ at the Learning Garden. The patio is in honor and memory of a much loved and admired member – Pam George.
Tillamook County Master Gardener Association is committed to offering educational opportunities to area residents on sustainable gardening principles and research-based horticultural practices in conformance with the Oregon State University (OSU) Master Gardener Program™. The goal of Tillamook Master Gardeners is simple: they love gardening, and they love solving problems. Contact us on our website: Tillamook Master Gardeners and sign up for our Blog on the home page. Follow us on Facebook, too.