From Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager & COVID-19 Incident Commander – “Well darn … the new Risk Level numbers have been released and we had 31 cases which would put us in the Moderate Risk Category (30 to less than 45) effective this coming Friday, March 12th and valid for the next two week period (to 3/26). The next two week period includes the Oregon Spring Break so….remember to wash your hands frequently, wear your mask and watch that 6′ bubble. The next two weeks have the potential to go up or go down!”
As calculated by Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Tillamook County had 31 new confirmed positive and presumptive COVID-19 cases from Sunday 02/21/2021 – Saturday 03/06/2021, which met disease metrics to move to a higher risk category.
See the Risk and Protection framework page here:
While this is not ideal news, cases have been increasing in Tillamook County. We ask you to not let your guard down; continue to take COVID-19 safety precautions: Wear a mask, Wash your hands frequently, Watch your distance (6ft), stay home if ill, seek COVID-19 testing and answer the call from public health contact tracers.
If cases continue to increase over the next two weeks, Tillamook County would be at risk of moving to a higher risk level on 03/26/2021. If cases decrease, Tillamook County may move back down in risk level.