Tillamook County Pioneer Association’s first meeting and potluck of 2020 will be held at Sandlake Grange, 21220 Sandlake Road, Cloverdale, and is open to all members and potential members. TCPA gathers about noon with a meeting, David Wells will give a presentation about Tillamook Working Lands, and enjoy a generous potluck at 1 pm. The yearly Silent Roll Call will be read.
Please plan to attend and bring another member with you. OR, become a member.
To join the Tillamook County Pioneer Association: You must have been born in Tillamook 40 years ago, or lived in Tillamook at least 40 years ago, or lived in Tillamook for 40 years. Membership includes unlimited admission to the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, a discount on historical books, and a subscription to the Pioneer Bylines Newsletter.
Dues are from July 1 to June 30. Annual dues are $10, except for Lifetime members (those 80 years young!) Lifetime members are exempt from yearly dues. Donations are welcome. The Pioneer Bylines Newsletter goes out in January, May and September with information about the meetings. Potluck meetings are held in February, June, and October in Sandlake, Tillamook, and Rockaway.
Tillamook County enjoys a rich history. For thousands of years Native Americans lived and thrived on the rich lands surrounding Tillamook Bay. But most of the written history that we have today begins August 14, 1788 when Captain Robert Gray sailed his ship Lady Washington into Tillamook Bay, and then on April 1, 1851 when Joe Champion became the first white settler in Tillamook County.

Since the Museum opened in 1935, the Tillamook County Pioneer Association has collected and maintained thousands of genealogical and historical records concerning past Tillamook County residents. The records are housed in the Museum’s Library and are available for public use. Please contact the museum to make arrangements to use these records.
For information contact Ruby at 503-842-4553 or ruby@tcpm.org or write: Tillamook County Pioneer Association PO Box 992 Tillamook, OR 97141
Check out the website: www.tcpm.org/tillamook-co-pioneer-association.html and the blog: kilchispoint.wordpress.com
Feel free to call Ruby at 842-4553 with any questions.