It’s election time – and in Tillamook County there has been an increase in participation in our government process with many races having multiple choices. The Pioneer is proud to provide this opportunity for our community to make informed voting choices and learn about the candidates. Tillamook County Pioneer’s Questions for the Candidates – November 2022. We will post the candidate’s answers (that we received) in all the national, state and local races, including those from candidates in uncontested races. These questions were gathered from a diverse array of Tillamook County citizens, and provides an opportunity for constituents to compare candidates answers directly.
See below for more information about the upcoming Rockaway Beach Candidates Forum on Friday October 14th.
OCTOBER 14 – Rockaway Beach Candidates Forum – 6 to 8 pm
Neah-Kah-Nie School District Administration Offices, 504 N. 3rd St., Rockaway Beach
The Candidates running for Rockaway Beach Mayoral and City Council positions in the upcoming election will meet at a public Candidate Forum on Friday, October 14th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The forum will be held at the Neah Kah Nie School District Offices located at 504 N. 3rd Avenue in Rockaway Beach. The forum is hosted by the Tillamook Pioneer and will be moderated by Lisa Phipps of the Tillamook AAUW.
All Rockaway Beach citizens are invited to attend. Each candidate will be provided an opportunity to introduce themselves. Written questions from the audience will be collected and the moderator will present the questions to the candidates. Each candidate will have an allotted time to respond to the questions. They will then have a short opportunity to present a closing statement. This will provide members of the public a good opportunity to learn about the candidates on their local ballot. All candidates have agreed to participate.
For members of the public who would prefer to attend virtually, the forum can be accessed on-line at the following site:
Here are the candidates for Rockaway Beach Mayor and City Council: Charles McNeilly and Susan J. (Sue) Wilson; Councilor, Position 1 (2 year term, vote for 1) Mary McGinnis (unopposed); Council, Position 4 (4 year term, vote for 1) Cindy Kay Gregory and Terry A. Walhood
Charles McNeilly, Candidate for Mayor
What is your vision of a thriving community?
Members of the community feel they have control over their own lives, and influence over their own future. Trust is fostered within/between individuals and organizations such as City government.
If elected, what would you do within your position to advance this vision?
A return of the quarterly newsletter mailed to all water customers; restore the required “state of the city” reports to the community; provide the opportunity for residents to meet quarterly with City government so that the residents know the operational state of the city, the current focus of city government and provide input. Email alerts when City Council and Planning Commission agendas are available for review prior to the meetings. I would work with the city and community together to advance the development of the city within the 2007 Comprehensive Plan while adjusting/improving the plan given the passage of time.
Please provide a SWOT analysis of your municipality/district:
Strengths – Rockaway Beach has long been a well-loved vacation destination thanks to our seven miles of sandy beaches. Many people who started out as visitors have become residents. It speaks to the beauty of the town, but also the inclusiveness of its residents.
Weaknesses – Lack of beach access for those with limited mobility such as the elderly and persons in a wheelchair. Suboptimal emergency preparedness. We also need to encourage more businesses so that tourists have opportunities to bring revenue to the local economy while at the same time enhancing residents’ choices.
Opportunities – With a resident-merchant-city government partnership we could become the destination of choice. With the lowest tax rate in the county, we should look at ways to further provide motivation and opportunity for housing developers to remediate the affordable and workforce housing issues we are facing.
Threats – Short term rental (STR) business. Rockaway Beach was featured in an article “Invest in Property in These Up-and-Coming Beach Towns Before Prices Rise” recently. If Rockaway Beach does not effectively manage the STR business, we will find ourselves without a community. Another threat is the difficulty local business face in getting employees to effectively operate their businesses. This is at least, in part, due to the lack of workforce housing in our community
Let’s focus on the positive things going on. Tell our readers about what you will do, if elected to make positive contributions to the community.
Listening to the residents by increasing opportunities for residents and business owners to provide input to City government beyond those mandated by ordinance and law; and improve channels of communication from City government to residents and business owners.
There are many challenges facing our community. What are the issues you think are NOT being adequately addressed?
The primary challenge facing our community is the lack of effective leadership and transparency to the residents. Rockaway Beach’s 2007 Comprehensive Plan is actually quite good; however, it is not being followed to any meaningful extent. The plan has a focus on housing, partnership between City government and merchants, livability, and environmental stewardship.
If elected, how would you work to address these issues?
As Mayor I would be laser focused on influencing the City Council, Planning Commission and City government on acting in the best interests of the residents and merchants, including addressing the concepts in the 2007 Comprehensive Plan.
What is your experience in municipal government service?
I have no experience in municipal government service. In my work life, I have a track record of bringing multiple stakeholders together to solve problems while taking responsibility for my actions. I believe that these skills easily translate to local government.
Susan J. (Sue) Wilson (incumbent), Candidate for Mayor
What is your vision of a thriving community? A thriving community is comprised of citizens, city government and business owners working in combination for the betterment of the whole. A city government needs to be responsive to the concerns and needs of the community. A thriving community is one in which jobs are available for those who want them, employers who seek to hire locally first, and an economy that will support its citizens year-round.
If elected, what would you do within your position to advance this vision? I think more meetings with city merchants and the general public would be helpful in getting people “on-board” with city-sponsored activities, i.e. 4th of July, Christmas Tree Lighting, Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat. We are a small town that literally “runs” on volunteer efforts. The volunteers are the unsung heroes of any small town!
Please provide a SWOT analysis of your municipality/district:
Strengths – I believe the strengths of the citizens of Rockaway Beach drive our city. The Council and City Government is always open to advancing understanding of issues facing the city. A good interchange of ideas helps to strengthen the community and empower its citizens
Weaknesses – The weaknesses I see in Rockaway Beach are fairly minimal, but still relevant. We have numerous open storefronts in the downtown area. It would be wonderful to have those stores occupied, but current economics prevent much of that from happening at this particular time.
Opportunities – The opportunity for self-employment is great in Rockaway Beach. As indicated above, we currently have open storefronts just waiting for occupation. Unfortunately, we are still a “seasonal” town in that most of the activities and dollars are generated during the summer months. It would be advantageous to the merchants to move forward with more rigorous self-promotion in the “shoulder-months” to keep their incomes at a more steady level.
Threats – I don’t perceive many “threats” to our city unless you consider speed limits that need to be reviewed, crosswalks that need to be reinstituted, and safe access to the beach from the Wayside. These are not truly threats, but situations that need to be addressed in order to prevent tragedies from occurring. Unfortunately, the city, itself, is not the controlling entity and cannot rectify these situations without the assistance of the outside agency.
Let’s focus on the positive things going on. Tell our readers about what you will do, if elected to make positive contributions to the community.
During the past four years, as Mayor, I have always had an “open door” policy for the citizens and visitors and will continue to do so, if I am re-elected. If there are questions from community members, I encourage them to contact me, either through City Hall or my home phone number. I’m active and visible in my community. I’m the President of the Rockaway Beach Lions Club which enables me to visit with our citizens and visitors on an informal basis when they attend Bingo at the Lions Hall or purchase a hot dog from the Lions at the Wayside. In addition, I volunteer at the North County Food Bank because there are those who are underserved in our community. Many of those who frequent the Food Bank and use it as a primary food resource, are from Rockaway Beach.
As to city accomplishments, I would like to move forward with the development of the Anchor Street park. The proposed park will provide much-needed paved parking, additional restrooms, an informational kiosk, a playground and 4 proposed electric charging stations.
Ultimately, I would like to see a dog park created at the back of the developed area. This area can also be available for additional activities that cannot be accommodated at the Wayside, i.e. Farmers’ Markets, festivals, etc.
There are many challenges facing our community. What are the issues you think are NOT being adequately addressed? Up until now, affordable working wage housing has not been an issue. Most of the businesses in Rockaway Beach are owned by residents who employ friends and family to work their businesses during the summer months. The city is working, through our City Planner, to update our BLI (Buildable Land Inventory) to identify property , within the city limits, that could be considered as buildable space. Because of our location on a narrow plot of land, bordered by the ocean to the west and privately-owned forests and state-owned lands to the east and the fact that much of Rockaway Beach is identified as wetlands or is in the inundation zone, makes it difficult to locate large plots of land for building. We hope to have the update within a reasonable period of time so that the city can move forward with rezoning or zoning changes that would facilitate building of affordable housing.
If elected, how would you work to address these issues? I would reserve comment until the BLI is updated and presented to the Council.
What is your experience in municipal government service? I have served the City of Rockaway Beach since 2007, in the role of Planning Commission member, City Councilor, City Council President and Mayor. Additionally, I currently volunteer for the city-sponsored CERT program.
Mary McGinnis, Councilor Position 1 (unopposed)
What is your vision of a thriving community?
I watch people in Rockaway and notice that they are here for three reasons: to live, to work, and to play. What would that look like in Rockaway at its best?
A thriving town has affordable and accessible housing for each person to comfortably live; increasing economic opportunities for both businesses and workers; and healthy natural resources with recreational and creative opportunities.
The character of the community shines with plenty of opportunities for involvement, effective communication, a sense of belonging to the community, compassionate and generous people, and a responsive forward-thinking government.
When these aspects of community well-being are supported on an individual level, communities thrive.
While I have my vision of a thriving community, it is formed from conversations in Rockaway.
If elected, what would you do within your position to advance this vision?
I am a Rockaway government official, and I collaborate with many people to make our town a vibrant community.
The primary ways I help Rockaway thrive: 1) Listen to and represent the people of Rockaway. I placed my personal email and cell number on the city website so people can easily reach me. 2) Support city employees in their work. 3) Support the city manager in the tasks the city council has given him. 4) Collaboratively set the city budget. 5) Provide leadership and a collaborative vision for city growth by creating a task list for Rockaway, and I work on those items with the city manager and the city council. 6) Meet with people to resolve challenging city situations.
Please provide a SWOT analysis of your municipality/district:
Strengths – Involved, active community members; healthy city budget; city employees who find solutions and move forward; healthy recreational/creative opportunities; growing business base; clean, well-kept town; energy and vibrancy from visitors; people who collaborate and work together; informed and knowledgeable residents; the ocean; scenic community; relative economic stability.
Weaknesses – affordable housing; shortage of long-term rentals; infrastructure needs repair; city departments sometimes short-staffed; not owning city’s drinking watershed; city government community outreach; emergency preparedness understaffed; lack of residential broadband.
Opportunities – Partnerships with school district for recreation, meeting space, grants, etc.; partnerships with timber companies for recreation; collaboration and involvement with second-home owners; partnerships with other government agencies/nonprofits; grants for city improvements.
Threats –Short term rental tax might decrease; sheriff’s department is short-staffed; city growth limited unless Urban Growth Boundary annexed; timber companies’ land use.
Let’s focus on the positive things going on. Tell our readers about what you will do, if elected to make positive contributions to the community.
As a city councilor, I will continue what I am working on and collaborate in new initiatives: bringing the Salmonberry trail to Rockaway, getting lease and improvements to Lake Lytle area, managing the city budget responsibly, making a city recreation plan, working with city staff and other city officials, supporting businesses and economic development, work on broadband, and being a cheerleader for Rockaway by volunteering and listening to everyone.
There are many challenges facing our community. What are the issues you think
are NOT being adequately addressed?
- Housing
- Broadband/internet service
- Government interface with residents
If elected, how would you work to address these issues?
- Housing- I will work with residents, businesses, and the Planning Commission to pass ordinances that promote long-term residential livability.
- Broadband/internet- I will work with other city councilors to form a broadband committee to bring this issue to a solution.
- Government interface with residents- I will help set up regular public input sessions.
What is your experience in municipal government service?
- City Beautification Commission in Missouri that brought downtown improvements such as new streetlights, parks, benches, and flowers
- Commissioner on a Planning Commission in Missouri
- Member of Rockaway’s Salmonberry Trail Committee
- Member of Rockaway’s Tsunami Resiliency Committee
- Member of Rockaway’s Wayfinding Committee
- Commissioner on Rockaway Beach’s Planning Commission
- Rockaway Beach City Council
Councilor Position 4 – 4 year term, vote for 1

Cindy Kay Gregory
What is your vision of a thriving community?
A good community is where people feel safe, and have their basic needs met. A thriving community is where people know their neighbors, look out for each other, and work together to achieve community goals.
If elected, what would you do within your position to advance this vision?
City Council sets the tone for our town. I will continue to actively invite and involve citizen participation. I would ensure that Rockaway residents are aware of public meetings, are encouraged to attend, participate, and become involved in their community. In addition, I will listen carefully to all opinions and aspects of decisions City Council makes that impact our citizens.
Please provide a SWOT analysis of your municipality/district:
Strengths – our 7 mile beach that provides natural beauty and activities for our residents and our visitors. A long and interesting history that is still honored.
Weaknesses – Undercurrent of political division which can cause challenging circumstances. Lack of transparency has created some distrust in local government. Because many residents are part-time, it’s difficult to set goals that include all interests.
Opportunities – Multiple business opportunities for shops and service. An increase in visitors has created an increase in funding for community improvement projects.
Threats – Our quality of life is being impacted by the growing number of short-term rentals. Very little affordable housing is available for families to move here or for employees who work in local businesses.
Let’s focus on the positive things going on. Tell our readers about what you will do, if elected to make positive contributions to the community.
I believe that with careful planning, clear communication, and active citizen participation, we can retain the charming small-town feel we love, without ignoring our responsibility to plan for new generations of Rockaway residents and visitors.
There are many challenges facing our community. What are the issues you think are NOT being adequately addressed?
If elected, how would you work to address these issues?
I’ve spoken with many residents who do not feel heard by City Council. I will take the time to listen to those who have opinions about the challenges we face as a community. Others have shared their concern about a lack of transparency in the decisions of City Council. I will ensure our residents are aware of meetings, agendas, and decisions. Transparency and trust in city government is necessary for successful growth.
What is your experience in municipal government service?
Until now, I have not been involved in local politics. I am a life-long event organizer and people-connector. As a front desk medical specialty scheduler for more than 20 years, I learned to listen carefully, to act quickly and responsibly. I am inclusive, professional, and ethical. I am also welcoming, empathetic, compassionate, I bring these important qualities to my candidacy for City Council. I will always advocate for the best possible solutions and outcomes.
My vision for Rockaway:
- Promote a wider understanding of city government processes; encourage and support citizen involvement in decision making.
- Support a city government that demonstrates respect for its citizens through financial transparency, fiscal responsibility, genuine opportunities to be heard, and accountability to promises made.
- Take a realistic look at housing in Rockaway. We should seek compromises that recognize and address the quality-of-life concerns of our local homeowners, while prioritizing the need for affordable housing for families and local business employees.
- Advocate for community-building projects that generate town pride, and create a positive and connected community.
About me: I was raised in Portland, and after college I spent 11 years in Cannon Beach. There I learned the ocean was my heart-home, and I knew I’d be back! I raised my family in Portland then moved to Rockaway almost six years ago. Some of the projects I’ve been involved in are the Rockaway Renaissance Artists group, Hunter’s Helpers, and the new fence on the S. 3rd St. beach access. Through these experiences, I have enjoyed creating community by working with and talking to locals and visitors. I am looking forward to “Working for Rockaway, Speaking for YOU!”
Terry Walhood (incumbent)
What is your vision of a thriving community? I would like to see all of our commercial buildings filled with active businesses this would encourage shopping, visiting, additional business and would bring enthusiasm and interest in our town.
If elected, what would you do within your position to advance this vision? Work with the city council, city staff, merchants to encourage additional growth. Offer a short- term incentive to attract more businesses.
Please provide a SWOT analysis of your municipality/district:
Strengths – Our quaint and charming town, location, beautiful beach, friendly people, interesting businesses we already have that attract so many now. What Nan Devlin has brought to us that has helped the businesses, advertising our different businesses, adding signage and getting more visibility with Tillamook Coast Visitors Group has brought many visitors to our town. I spoke to many businesses and they have all said that the past few years since she has been promoting our town their sales have increased a large percentage.
They have been having wonderful years. Of course, we had the Covid issue that slowed a lot down, however it is certainly coming back.
Weaknesses – There doesn’t seem to be many residents interested in getting involved where they can be heard, give ideas, willing to volunteer to help facilitate activities, show any interest in the workings of the local government.
Opportunities –Our lovely little town is a tourist town and the tourist trade is what fuels the businesses and activity that we have. We are so fortunate to have an incredible City Manager who is on top of things, is a wonderful grant writer and is in touch with all that is going on in our county. He has a great support staff that are all very skilled in their positions and in the workings for the city.
Threats – People that listen to rumors rather than checking and finding out what is happening in their city and with the government of Rockaway. Find out the truth not hear-say from others that don’t investigate the real happenings going on.
Let’s focus on the positive things going on. Tell our readers about what you will do, if elected to make positive contributions to the community. I want to continue to work at improving the livability of our citizens and enjoyment of our tourists.
In 2001 I became a permanent resident and joined the Hope Chest Thrift Shop Charity. Also oined the Lions club and then the City Budget Committee. The Hope Chest added a second store in 2004 in Rockaway Beach and I started managing it and still am, also becoming President of The Charity in 2009.The Hope Chest Charity is going to be donating their second Million dollars to Tillamook County this year. We began donating in 1999. In 2005 after completing OSU Master Gardening Class I helped start the Community Garden and am still involved. I have been Lion Volunteer of the Year, member Friends of the Library, member of the Merchants Assoc. and have been a CERT Member since its beginning in Rockaway.
What is your experience in municipal government service?
While Mayor I restored Sea View Lake & park, we put in a State-of-the-Art water treatment plant that is still rated outstanding & working well to protect our residents and visitors. I have been chairman of the Beautification Committee, City Volunteer of the Year & served on the Planning Commission as Vice President, then moved to City Council position 4 which I am serving as President of the Council. I also serve on the Garibaldi Maritime Museum Board as Secretary. Also, I was successful in getting a buoy from the Coast Guard for the Garibaldi Maritime Museum.
I love this city and its citizens and want to continue to help improve the livability of our citizens and the enjoyment of our tourists. Terry Walhood