There will be several road closures and bridge closures coming up in July. For more information contact Tillamook County Public Works at 503-842-3419.
Miami-Foley Road, Lommen Bridge project – UPDATE:
Intermittent closures/one-lane traffic as preparations are made to move to the new bridge; Traffic will be moved to the new bridge, and restricted to one lane the week of July 10th.
East Creek Road – MP 1.71 – bank stabilization project
Drilling of core samples to determine best options to design repair of slide. This project is partially funded by FEMA 2015 storm declaration.
7/5 – 2 – 4 pm
7/6 – 8 am – 5 pm
7/7 – 8 am – 5 pm
Hadley Road – MP .25 – bank stabilization project
Drilling of core samples to determine best options; design and schedule finalized, construction mid to late summer 2018
This project is partially funded by FEMA 2015 storm declaration.
7/5 – 9 am – 4 pm
Bridge inspections/closures:
Temporary closures for up to 4 hours so special access equipment can be utilized to perform the inspections. The access equipment will enable a more thorough inspection. If property owners are concerned about the closure, it is recommended parking your vehicle on the opposite side of the bridge. Pedestrian access across the bridge can be coordinated with the onsite inspection team at any time during the work.
Dougherty Slough, Blum Lane (Prince Bridge) – July 12 – 8 am – Noon
Foley Creek, South Lommen Bridge #57C14 – July 12 – 1 pm – 4 pm
Nestucca River, Powder Creek Rd. (Browning Bridge) – July 13 – 8 am – Noon
Many bridges require special inspections involving the use of an under bridge inspection vehicle, underwater divers inspecting piers for scour or washout of support material, and evaluation of critical pins and load-carrying members. Federal law mandates that each brige is inspected at least every 2 years, and a report filed with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), monitoring agency for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) federal bridge inspection compliance program.
Tony Creek Bridge – MP .33 CLOSURE – begins July 17 for up to three weeks. This project will consist of structural repairs to the bridge, including reinforcing the creek’s embankment below the bridge bent, replace the decking, repave the bridge approaches, replace teh felloe guards and guard rails. To be cost efficient, this project will require that Tony Creek Road be closed for extended times during working hours, Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 5:30 pm Signage will be in place to inform the travelling public of this project.
The Tillmaook County Road Department understands the impacts of these road construction, bridge inspections and bridge closures and thanks the public for their patience and cooperation as a necessary part of providing safe roads in Tillamook County. If you have questions, call 503-842-3419, Monday through Thursday 8 am to 5 pm.