And now for something a little lighter….
With most of the remaining snow from our big storm event last month melted away in much of Tillamook County, there are some places where it has stuck around, and maybe even gained some accumulation. When one of our emergency radio frequencies went down earlier this week, John Spence, from the Tillamook County Information Services Department, was tasked with identifying and fixing the problem if possible – but he was going to need some help getting there. The radio tower and equipment were up on the top of Mt. Hebo – under more than five feet of snow.
With an elevation of 3157′, it’s not exactly Mt. Hood, but for a coastal hill, that’s pretty tall. Yesterday, March 7, 2023, in what looked like a scene from a “Snowmageddon” or “Snownado” movie (or the San Bernardino Mountains), TCSO Deputies Ben Berger and Billy Cloud with snowshoes and our tracked-side by side, Tillamook County Public Work’s Jerry Markey and Jeremy Walker driving a small snow plow and an excavator, and Braxling Inc’s Jon Hershey in a large road grader, all set out to get Spence to the tower, while clearing a path behind them.
We’ll cut to the chase — they reached the tower, made the repairs, took some cool photos for us along the way, and a snowman may have been built.
We hope you enjoy the pics.