On October 15, 2023, the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a possible missing adult. Tommy A. White, 21, of Garibaldi, had left the family’s house distraught about personal matters the night before. Deputy Chris Rondeau and Deputy Mike Reeves began an investigation and search for Mr. White. Friends and family were contacted and a missing persons alert was broadcast to all police agencies in the region. The family put up posters and searched the area for Mr. White. Mr. White was last seen at the Garibaldi Chevron station at 10:15 pm on October 14.
Mr. White failed to show up for work early this week, and TCSO’s Deputies are increasing search efforts in the area. Please see attached posters for more information regarding a description of Tommy White. If you have seen him, or know of his whereabouts, please contact Deputy Chris Rondeau at 503-815-3379.
The family has asked the community to check security camera footage from the last few days, and to please report anything that might be suspicious. From Tommy’s mother Cheryl Gierga, a plea on social media: “If you want to help us, please please please, report anything suspicious you may have seen on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Tommy White is missing. There are no leads at this moment but we all know for a fact that he would not walk away with intention of not returning. I believe he was taken, either willingly or against his will.
Keep sharing. Keep looking. If your on a walk, keep your eyes open. If you have cameras, please check them out from 10pm Saturday on. Anywhere in the county but especially Garibaldi. Anything. Please, I need to find my boy.”
Local fire departments, the sheriff’s office and others have searched nearby hills, bay and coastline as well as neighboring communities. The family has asked for help with searching and appreciate everyone sharing Tommy’s picture.
“We are so thankful to the Garibaldi community, and everyone in Tillamook County,” said Cheryl. “Tommy would not just leave his pets or his family. We just want him to come home.”