January 29, 2022 – 5:00 pm
Earlier today, Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office Deputies, TCSO SAR personnel, Tillamook Fire District and Tillamook Ambulance responded to a single vehicle, off-road motorcycle crash in the Tillamook Forest.
TCSO Forest Deputies Billy Cloud and Scott Griffith responded to the call. TCSO Marine Deputy Kelly Awe also responded.
“Just after 10:30 this morning, we were dispatched for a recreational accident at the Diamond Mill OHV area,” said Deputy Griffith. “A 44-year-old male was riding dirt bikes with friends when he crashed going downhill and went head first into a tree stump.”
“Members of TCSO, Tillamook Fire, Tillamook Ambulance, and other riders were able to pack him out.”
A Life Flight helicopter was requested and landed in a pullout near milepost 22 on Highway. “He was flown to a trauma center in Portland with possible neck and spinal injuries.”
We have no further information regarding the rider’s condition.