By Shelley Hurliman, THS Junior Class Advisor
The Junior Class of 2020 raised $59,833.19 in 10 days for Tillamook High School Charity Drive. We (Junior Class) raised the most money, but it was very close. Seniors raised $58,722.73; Freshmen $43,812.07 and Sophomores $34,783.30 for a school total of $197,151.29. A check for $90,559.36 will be sent to Doernbecher’s, with the remaining staying in the Tillamook Community for local charities and college scholarships for the seniors that worked hard for 4 years in the yearly drive.
Thank you to the Tillamook community, which is not a large community by numbers, but is HUGE of generous heart. It always amazes me that we continue to raise these amounts of money each year by dinners, horse shows, wrestling tourneys, collecting pop cans and scrap metal, silent auctions, cake auctions and a wide variety of other activities and services. Every single person who worked, donated or supported by attending and participating in our events has a part in this drive and we appreciate all of you. We are humbled by your giving hearts.
As an advisor, I follow these students for four years, beginning with them as freshmen all the way to through their senior year.
The importance is not winning by being the class that raised the most money, it is participating as a school body and learning life lessons by working together. We are ALL Tillamook High School and every class (Frosh-Senior) showed dedication and a strong work ethic this year by raising an amazing total of money. It IS a Great Day to be a Tillamook High School Cheesemaker!