By Matt Maizel
Tillamook Junior High School’s fundraising activities for the 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City next June: “We are working hard to raise funds for these kids, many are struggling to pay for the trip, and we want to ensure that every student that wants to, can experience this amazing trip,” said Nikki Brown, 8th grade parent. Here’s a summary of upcoming events:
BARVIEW JETTY STORE PIZZA CARDS – Pizza cards are on sale in partnership with the Barview Jetty store! Students are selling $25 and $50 gift cards good for whole pizzas. A portion of sales will go to support students as they raise funds to pay for their trip. To place an order, text: (503) 812-8470 or find an 8th grader near you. The order due date has extended through January 9th, and cards will be ready for distribution starting on January 13th.
Movie Night for 6th-8th graders is on January 13th at Tillamook Junior High School! All TJHS students are welcome to attend. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., with the movie starting at 6:30 p.m. Concessions will also be available for purchase! A donation of $5 per person is suggested.
Cabin Coffee Take-Over! Purchase your coffee and Saturday morning treats at Cabin Coffee (1810 US-101, Tillamook, OR 97141) on Saturday, January 14th from 8:00 a.m.-12 p.m. for 20% of sales to be donated to the 8th grade trip.
Winter Citrus Sale! Cases of “fancy” oranges for $30 and grapefruits for $35 will be for sale in January. The delivery date is early February before the Tillamook High School charity drive starts. “The group must sell a minimum of 100 cases in order to process the order”. This is an individual fundraiser – students will earn about $10 per box sold. Find an 8th grader near you or text (503) 812-8470 to place your order!
Online donation portal! The Tillamook Chamber Community Foundation has created an online donation portal with an option to donate to the 8th grade trip. Sponsor an 8th grader! A donation link has been placed on the Tillamook Chamber of Commerce website so community members
can make direct donations here: Just scroll down to select the Tillamook Junior High Travel option.