Albert Wilhite of Les Schwab Tire Center in Tillamook presents Jerry Dove former president of the Tillamook Anglers with a check for $500 to provide supplies for Tillamook Anglers Salmon for Food Bank Program.
Tillamook Anglers, Inc. an all-volunteer organization with members all over the USA, processes excess salmon from ODFW’s Trask River Hatchery every fall. The excess food grade salmon is removed from the holding tanks at Trask River Hatchery, packed in ice, then transferred to Dove’s facility where they are fileted, packed in vacuum bags, sealed, and then delivered to the Oregon Food bank warehouse on Wilson River Loop. Over 5,000 one-pound bags of high protein salmon filets are delivered every fall to families in need by the food bank pantry system, most of it in Tillamook County. In addition, salmon eggs are recovered, processed and put in quart jars to sell to anglers. The funds received from the eggs are used by Tillamook Anglers to enhance fish and fishing opportunities on the North Oregon Coast.
The money provided by the Les Schwab Tire Center will be used to purchase the vacuum bags and wide mouth quart jars and lids. Tillamook Anglers thanks and appreciates the donation made by Les Schwab to aid us in the Salmon for the Food Bank Program.
If you want more information about Tillamook Anglers and the Volunteer Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery that they operate contact us at 503-815-2555.