Tillamook Police Department is aware of unconfirmed reports of a cougar in the area between 3800 block of 12th Street and Hawthorn Lane and the trail that comes out at Williams Avenue near Hawthorn Lane. This, ‘anonymous’ information has not been verified, no one called dispatch or the police department directly, and no photos have been received.
While the information hasn’t been confirmed, in the spirt of safety, we want to make the community aware of this information. We are working with our partners, including the Oregon State Police and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. If you see something, please take a photo and say something, report to non-emergency at 503-815-1911 and to ODFW.
Cougar encounters are uncommon, here are some safety tips if you do encounter a cougar. Just glimpsing a cougar is not cause for alarm, especially if the cougar leaves the area. Cougars will often retreat if given the opportunity so if you do encounter one, give it a way to escape. If you are involved in a face-to-face encounter with a cougar, call local law enforcement followed by the ODFW Tillamook office, 503-842-2741.
Cougars are considered public safety risks when they are seen repeatedly in daylight around areas of human activity or are attacking pets. If this happens, call 911.
Tips to prevent an encounter:
• Stay alert, especially at dusk and dawn.
• Keep dogs on a leash.
• Don’t feed wildlife. Prey attracts predators.
• Shelter pets and livestock indoors.
If you encounter a cougar:
• Stay calm and maintain eye contact.
• Don’t run, back away while facing the cougar.
• Raise your arms to appear large.
• Pick up small children, but do so without bending down or turning your back on the cougar.
• Make noise: raise your voice and speak firmly, yell and clap your hands.
• Fight back aggressively if attacked.
Rest assured we are working with all our partners to ensure our community is safe. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Troxel at the Tillamook Police Department by phone at 503-842-2522 or email at tillamookpd@tillamookor.gov.