Effective November 5, 2018, the Tillamook Transfer Station will be accepting limited quantities of asbestos. “This is a service for residents doing their own home repairs who have small quantities they need to dispose of,” states David McCall, Tillamook County Solid Waste Program Manager, “contractors and others with large quantities should continue to take their materials to the Hillsboro Landfill.
Asbestos, a highly toxic material was a common ingredient in construction materials prior to 1980 due to its insulation, strength and resistance to heat, electricity, and corrosion. Now recognized as an extreme health hazard it is extremely difficult and expensive to dispose of. “It also should be handled with caution,” adds McCall, noting that those handling this material should wear the proper protective clothing and gear. Microscopic asbestos fibers cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, nor does it cause any immediate symptoms, so it is easy for a person to inhale or swallow asbestos dust without realizing it. It is also not easily recognizable. “If you suspect the material you are dealing with may contain asbestos,” states McCall, “the safest way to deal with it is to hire trained professionals.”
For those wishing to dispose of suspected or confirmed asbestos should contact the Tillamook County Solid Waste Office at 503.815.3975 or the Tillamook Transfer Station at 503.842.4588 with questions. There is a strict bagging process required for disposal of this material and both locations sell the proper bagging set up with instructions.
Until now, homeowners wishing to dispose of their own asbestos were forced to take it to Hillsboro Landfill, a long, time-consuming journey and at expensive rates. “This is one more way we are trying to protect and assist our local community,” notes McCall.
More information on asbestos abatement in Tillamook County can be found on the Solid Waste website at http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/SolidWaste/Construction-demolition/