EDITOR’S NOTE: A point of clarification from County Fair Manager Camy VonSeggern, “The county fair is not cancelled, but being modified, and we don’t know what that will look like just yet.” Commissioner Mary Faith Bell stated that there would be no carnival rides, no horse races, beer garden, vendors, etc. There are still many unknowns and plans for some kind of “fair” are still being considered, but with restrictions on gatherings of less than 25 people in place through September, it seems that the County Fair as we have known it is CANCELLED.
By Laura Swanson
During today’s meeting (5/13/20), Tillamook County Board of Commissioners approved the plan for re-opening of Short-Term Rentals on Friday May 29th with restrictions and requirements. There will be additional county boat ramps opening and on more days of the week – Monday through Friday; and commissioners also approved the Tillamook County Library’s plan for curbside book check-out service to begin Monday May 18th.
Commissioner Mary Faith Bell also announced that the Tillamook County Fair will not be happening this year as in the past. With the Oregon State Fair cancelled last week, and restrictions on gatherings, the Fair Board made this difficult decision. There are some ideas that are being considered for the kids, 4-H exhibits and animals that could be undertaken depending on how things progress this summer.
REMEMBER – Re-opening comes with continuing 6 foot physical distancing, hand washing/sanitizing, suggestion (some requirements) to wear masks and other business specific restrictions. Please continue these vital actions that can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and be kind. If you are in the vulnerable population, please contact local social service agencies or the Tillamook County COVID19 Volunteer Group for assistance with grocery shopping, errands, etc.
Successful re-opening and moving into Phase 2 depends on us continuing to take responsibility for protecting the health and safety of everyone in our community by doing our part.
Here is an outline of Phase 1 reopening that can begin once the Governor’s office approves Tillamook County’s application; the application has been “accepted”, but the County has not received approval yet. The tentative or first date that the Governor said these changes can take effect is Friday May 15th WITH APPROVAL of county plan application. So Tillamook County may not get approval by 5/15 allowing Phase 1 re-opening to occur on that date. Watch for more information. We will be in regular contact with the County about this information.