Tuesday, January 10, 2023 Weather Well, yesterday’s system is now up into British Columbia while the next low pressure area in the cue is west of central Oregon and pulling some light…
Construction begins Expansion Project at Manzanita Transfer Station Jan. 9th
The Manzanita Transfer Station, located at 34995 Necarney City Rd, has been home to an open burn site, a landfill, and has operated as a municipal solid waste (MSW) transfer station and…
By Representative David Gomberg, House District 10 Dear Neighbors and Friends, As you receive this report today, Monday, the Oregon House will be in session. I have been honored with the responsibility of chairing…
GORDON’S UPDATE: Weather Update 1/9/23 – Pattern Continues – Rainy & Windy through the Week
By Gordon McCraw, Meteorologist for the Tillamook County Pioneer Monday, January 9, 2023 A look at the satellite picture shows the parade of low pressure areas and verifies that we see little…
KITCHEN MAVEN: The Adaptable Tuber – Historic, Nutritious & Delicious
By Judith Yamada, The Kitchen Maven Today, the potato is the fourth most important crop worldwide behind wheat, corn, and rice. But in the 18th century the tuber was a novelty that was…
Lower Nehalem Watershed Council Annual Meeting and Speaker Series Jan. 12th – The Role of Red Alder in the Oregon Coast Range w/ Andy Bluhm
On January 12th, 2023 the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council will be hosting both their Annual Meeting and a presentation w/ Andy Bluhm, OSU’s Associate Program Director of the Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative, who will share new insight…
Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts (TAPA) Announces Auditions Feb. 3 & 4 for Spring Production, “Four Old Broads”
The Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts (TAPA) would like to announce the auditions for the spring production of Four Old Broads, a comedy written by Leslie Kimball. Auditions will be held…
Seaside Aquarium Celebrates Year of Monthly Beach Cleanups, Continues Effort in 2023, First Saturday Every Month
The Seaside Aquarium ardently extended thanks to those of you who volunteered your time and energy into keeping Seaside Beach clean through our monthly beach cleanups sponsored by us (Seaside Aquarium), the…
Rockaway Beach Receives ODOT Community Pathways Grant for Salmonberry Trail Segment; Workshop Jan. 11 to Discuss Project Manager Hiring
By Robin Swain The City of Rockaway Beach received a $1.7 million grant from Oregon Department Of Transportation (ODOT), for the city’s section of the Salmonberry Trail. The city was one of…
Tillamook Jr. High School 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington, DC/New York – Upcoming Fundraisers Help Students with Costs
By Matt Maizel Tillamook Junior High School’s fundraising activities for the 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City next June: “We are working hard to raise funds for…