Tillamook County has the opportunity to broaden the view and the effectiveness of the Board of County Commissioners in the current election. With Tim Josi’s retirement, we are left with a South…
JOIN THE MOVEMENT & SAVE A LIFE – Free Movie Screening “Suicide: The Ripple Effect” NCRD Oct. 24th
SOS Tillamook, Tillamook County’s prevention program and Columbia-Pacific CCO continue community conversations with a free movie screening of the award-winning documentary “Suicide: The Ripple Effect” at North County Recreation District (NCRD) on…
A Voter Pro Tip and Election FAQs – From Secretary of State Dennis Richardson
Ballots for the 2018 General Election are now in the mail, and here are answers to 12 of the most frequently asked questions from Oregonians about the election. But first . ….
Is Adam Schwend the right choice for Tillamook County Commissioner?
He is young, energetic, caring, speaks with honesty and integrity, and carries a presence. Adam is a 4th generation resident of Till. co. He attended South Prairie Elementary, Till. Jr. high, and…
QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES #8 in series: Tillamook PUD, Subdivision 2 Candidates
The Tillamook County Pioneer sent five questions to Tillamook County candidates for State Representative for House District 10 (south Tillamook County); House District 32 (Central/north Tillamook County); Tillamook County Board of Commissioners;…
QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES #7 in series: Tillamook County Board of Commissioners Position #3
The Tillamook County Pioneer sent five questions to Tillamook County candidates for State Representative for House District 10 (south Tillamook County); House District 32 (Central/north Tillamook County); Tillamook County Board of Commissioners;…
VOTERS PAMPHLET: Candidate’s Statement – Brian P. Halvorsen, Independent/Progressive
EDITOR’S NOTE: When I received the Voter’s Pamphlet, I noticed that there was a candidate’s statement missing from the State Representative for 32nd District – Tillamook County’s Brian P. Halvorsen. When contacted,…
From County Commissioners Order # 18-085 “Manzanita Transfer Station: Garbage/Municipal Solid Waste: $110.00 per ton plus a $10.00 per ton disposal surcharge with an $8.25 minimum fee (150 lbs) plus a $11.75…
ODFW seeks local input on marine reserve management plan
By Dan Haag Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) will host a series of workshops in Tillamook and Clatsop County as they develop their management plan for the Cape Falcon Marine…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS – “WHY I’M IN …” Laura Swanson, Editor, Tillamook County Pioneer
The Tillamook County Wellness “Why I’m In” interview series highlights our community partners and what has inspired and motivated them to work toward the common goal of improving community health. “WHY I’M…