“Hi, my name is Kira. A few weeks ago, three other kitties and I were dumped out into the cold and wet by people we trusted. Lucky for us, a nice lady couldn’t stand by and leave out in that weather. Even though she knew that because of some health issues, she couldn’t keep us, she took us in while she searched for help. She contacted United Paws of Tillamook. All of their foster parents were full at the time, but they made room for us. I went to be with a nice Paws lady. I was warm, dry, and well fed. The other three happily went to their forever homes.
I was having weight issues, so I stayed where I am. It was okay with me. I was fat and happy, especially fat. Try as I might, I could not lose weight, as you can tell from my picture.
Well, a little over ten days ago, I got a big surprise when these three little guys dropped in and decided to stay. They like to snuggle with me, especially when it’s time to eat. My foster mom assures me that when they’re old enough, they will go to their forever homes, and someone she calls the vet will help me retire from motherhood and then, I’ll find my very own forever home. I know that you’ll want me or one of the babies for your very own, but don’t submit an application yet. It’s way too early. I’ll let you know when

it’s time.” 😻😻😻
This story is repeated many times, year-round in Tillamook County. If you would like to help, contact United Paws of Tillamook to volunteer or donate. Remember the weather event that we just went through. Lots of homeless cats and kittens went through it, too, outside and unprotected. Yes, you can help.