Tillamook County United Way (TCUW) has been raising funds to support health and human services throughout Tillamook County since 1976. Unfortunately, the landscape of fundraising and nonprofits has changed dramatically in recent years. TCUW has sought to remain a vital player in supporting the ever-expanding nonprofits of our community but are simply no longer able to do so efficiently and effectively.
TCUW will officially close on March 31,2021. In the interim, any donations collected and pledged for this year will be dispersed to member agencies following the donors’ wishes. While TCUW is closing its doors, the many valuable agencies that United Way has supported will still be doing the much needed work in our community. For a complete list of member agencies, their missions, and how to give directly to them please go to the United Way website at www.tillamookcountyunitedway.org.
The United Way Board would like to take this opportunity to express their utmost gratitude to the many dedicated volunteers and donors who upheld the mission of the United Way. The generosity of our community cannot be matched. As an all local, all-volunteer board, it has been our honor to serve Tillamook County and the nonprofits within it for over 40 years.
Click here to support Tillamook County United Way and our 13 Local Member Agencies
Your Contributions and Donations Help Support These 13 Member Agencies

CARE is Tillamook County’s local non-profit community action agency working to alleviate the effects of poverty. CARE provides emergency shelter,
transitional housing, permanent housing and financial assistance to homeless and low-income individuals and families; home visitation for first births, economic
development projects; and senior assisted living facilities.

Court Appointed Special Advocates recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the courtroom and the community. Volunteer advocates—empowered directly by the courts—offer judges the critical information they need to ensure that each child’s rights and needs are being attended to while in foster care. Volunteers stay with children until they are placed in loving permanent homes. For many abused children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives.

$24 gives an elderly person a month of in-home services such as friendly visiting through compassionate, trained Faith in Action volunteers.

A free family-focused child development program that addresses literacy, social services, nutrition and health for children from poverty-level families. Three locations serve North, South and Central Tillamook County. Eligibility guidelines apply.

This program provides educational and child development information to parents of newborn children through home visits. They offer ongoing counseling, family support and resources to help keep kids safe and families healthy.

The program focuses on Tillamook County residents aged 16 and older who are working to improve their literacy skills in reading, writing, math or communications. The program supports students working toward improving their English language skills or preparing to take their GED examinations. A program supported by Tillamook Bay Community College.

Provides a sheltered workshop and group homes for developmentally disabled adults. Marie Mills Center also offers employment and work experience and help with daily living skills for handicapped citizens of Tillamook County.

Provides support for displaced families, counseling, emergency shelter and a variety of other services throughout the county. Offers daily meals for hungry people and provides back-to-school supplies to kids from poor families.
Provides a safe, fun, and nurturing environment full of early learning opportunities that provide social and developmentally appropriate experiences for the children in our care. Educational programs are provided for children from 18 months to entry into Kindergarten. Activities are suited for each
TELC is a member of the Great Beginnings group in Tillamook County and partners with TSD9, Preschool Promise, NWRESD, Tillamook YMCA, NW Early Learning Hub, Head Start, Healthy Start, Marie Mills, DHS and other programs that support families and early childhood.
Tides of Change’s mission is to end domestic and sexual violence in Tillamook County’, Oregon. Tides of Change works toward this goal by providing a wide range of emergency and ongoing support services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Currently Tides of Change operates an advocacy center, an emergency shelter, a 24 hour crisis line and a job training program. In order to reduce the level of violence in our community and to prevent future violence Tides of Change also offers comprehensive community outreach, education and prevention programs designed to foster Healthy Relationships and community engagement in becoming a part of the solution to the violence.

Provides families and individuals with opportunities in sports leagues, swim programs, childcare, vacation camps and exercise programs. The YMCA offers scholarships to those in need and helps build strong health children and families.