Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is seeking volunteers to serve on an advisory committee that will help plan for possible inclusion of a 17-mile segment of the Nehalem River in the State Scenic Waterway Program.
OPRD invites public and private landowners, community members and other interested parties to join the committee. Members will assist OPRD in developing a draft management plan that would go into effect only if the Governor approves designation.
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission and Oregon Water Resources Commission will review the draft plan prior to making a scenic waterway designation recommendation. If both commissions recommend this segment for inclusion in the Scenic Waterway program, the recommendation would move forward to the Governor, likely in fall 2018.
The advisory committee will meet twice this spring, and members will be encouraged to attend a public hearing in the early fall. Meeting locations will be in Clatsop or Tillamook County, with the exact location to be determined later.
Those interested in serving on the advisory committee should contact Scenic Waterway Coordinator Alex Phillips at alex.phillips@oregon.gov or 503-986-0631. Complete this interest form and return it to Phillips.

The Nehalem River study area starts at Henry Rierson Spruce Run Campground and ends at the boundary of Cougar Valley State Park, near Cook Creek Road. A scenic waterway designation would help protect the scenic, natural and recreation value of this section of river by subjecting some activities within ¼ mile of the bank to a review. A map of the Nehalem River study area is at http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/NATRES/scenicwaterways/Documents/NehalemProposed_Sept2017.pdf
OPRD selected the study area after visiting the river in spring 2017 and holding a public meeting and comment period in fall 2017.
OPRD periodically studies candidates for the program, as per the Oregon Scenic Waterways Act (ORS 390.855). OPRD staff select river segments to study with input from the public and based on certain criteria; river segments must be relatively free-flowing and offer exceptional scenery.
For more information on the State Scenic Waterway program: http://bit.ly/scenicwaterways