Here are the reasons:
1. In addition to her professional career in communications and marketing, over the past 13 years she has worked effectively in a variety of volunteer capacities in the County. These include the TBCC Board of Education, the Tillamook Area Chamber Board and the County Tourism Advisory Committee since its inception. In short, she has prepared herself.
2. She is endorsed by all four of her former primary opponents except, of course, the person running against her. This is no small accomplishment. It demonstrates the respect she has earned. Add to that, the endorsement of former Commissioner Mark Labhart whose service and good judgment are without peer.
3. She has run a campaign of small individual contributions which frees her from any “pay back” expectations. Her opponent’s acceptance of $38,000 in cash and in-kind contributions from the Oregon Realtor Political Action Committee speaks for itself.
The County faces many challenges ahead. Mary Faith Bell is best prepared and qualified to address these challenges.
Kay Stepp and Garry Bullard
Manzanita, Oregon