As part of preparing for these events, the Bay City Emergency Preparedness Committee and the Public Works crew recently completed construction of the 2nd emergency supply storage shed. The shed will store some emergency supplies in case of these major emergencies. The Landing Restaurant in Bay City graciously donated delicious lunches for the work crew. They understand as a local business that being prepared for all hazards is important for our community.
The Bay City Emergency Preparedness Committee is working towards teaching citizens and businesses how they can prepare themselves for emergencies. Major disasters can be much too big for small town governments and emergency responders to handle alone. Citizens and businesses that plan and prepare effectively for such emergencies are able to take care of themselves and their neighborhoods which allows emergency personnel to focus on critical lifesaving and immediate emergency needs. In the case of large earthquakes such as those that occur along the Cascadia Subduction Zone just off the coast, emergency responders would be needing to concentrate on critical tasks such as rescuing people from damaged buildings and fighting fires, for example.
The Bay City emergency preparedness committee meets on the third Monday of the month at 5:30 at the Bay City Community Center. All are welcome and encouraged to get involved. For more information call City Hall at 503-377-2288.
Helen Wright, City Councilor and Committee Chair has been gathering donations for the 1-gallon emergency buckets that will be delivered to all residents and businesses in Bay City next year. Donations have included small first aid kits from the Pacific Seafood, and personal items from a local resident. Bay City is looking for other items that you can donate at City Hall, such as non-perishable food, toothbrush and tooth paste, cards, water purification tablets, etc.
Be prepared, not scared! Get involved with your local emergency preparedness efforts.